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In One Room is the new work from Chris Mayer & The Rockets, a mix of original and joyful happiness.

In one Room is the new album form Chris Mayer & The Rockets and i had the pleasure to listen to it thanks to Groover. Chris and his falks are from Germany and let me tell you that their sound is so international that’s impossible to guess their nationality.

I just let their music speak and I advise to listen to In One Room album while reading this interwiev.

Thenk you Chris for your time with me!

Hi Chris and thank you for taking this time. I would like to ask you many things and I try to go in order. To get straight to the heart: country music as we know it is not typically German, I would say more American. Why you choose this genre?

We call our music genre Feelgood-Folk-Pop. Yes, there’s some country music in it, but also singer songwriter pop, britpop and blues rock. We chose this genre, because our biggest idols are from the USA and Great Britian. For example John Mayer, James Bay or Oasis. They influence our sound.

Tell us something about the concept of the album. What are the main themes and why the choice to record it live in the studio?

The main themes of our album „In One Room“ are: wonderful people, love and chances. For example in the song „You Are“. The message is: Saying the people around you that they are wonderful, do great things or when they are very important to you. And we recorded the album songs live in the studio, because we wanted that nothing of the authenticity of the songs gets lost. We wanted to maintain the soul of the songs.

When composing do you find it difficult to put together all the styles of the members of the group?

I would say it’s not difficult. I compose a raw version of the song, and when we play it together for the first time, we add the style which fits best to the song. And often the song evolves in a complete other way like I had it in my mind in the first moment. „Change“ for example, it should be a smooth song in my mind, but my rockets made a cool rock song out of it.

What can you tell us about the current musical scenario in your part of Munich for the new bands?

For musicians there are many locations and opportunities to play a concert in and around Munich – for nearly every genre. We have a location where only indie rock is played for example or some small pubs where many small unplugged acoustic gigs are. And of course there are many big venues where the big bands and musicians can play concerts. By the way: we would love to find out how the musical scenario in Italy is 🙂

When do you think you will be able to see live music again and what will be the first concert you will go to see?

Here in Germany the number of covid infections is not as high as the last months or the whole last year. But we have to be careful. I hope that we can play at least a few gigs next winter, but I am not optimistic at the moment. I think we have to wait until next year.

Me and my guitarist Cosmo (Daniel) have tickets for the Aerosmith and Rival Sons concert in Vienna. It should be in July this year, but it was already rescheduled to July 2022. I think this will be the first bigger concert I will go to.

chris mayer in one room

a cura di
Sara Alice Ceccarelli

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di Sara Alice Ceccarelli

Giornalista iscritta all’ODG Emilia Romagna si laurea in Lettere e Comunicazione e successivamente in Giornalismo e Cultura editoriale presso l’Università di Parma. Nel 2017 consegue poi un Master in Organizzazione e Promozione Eventi Culturali presso l’Università di Bologna e consegue un attestato di Alta Formazione in Social Media Management presso l'Università di Parma. Ama il giallo e il viola, possibilmente assieme e vive in simbiosi con il coinquilino Aurelio (un micetto nero). La sua religione è Star Wars. Che la forza sia con voi.

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